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East Cross Street, Dongola IL

About Dongola Illinois

Dongola Illinois is located in the southern portion of Union County in southern Illinois. The construction of the Illinois Central (IC) began with land grants in 1850. Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer then for the railroad and helped to lobby for it's charter in 1851. 

Dongola was laid out in 1857 as a stop along the Illinois Central Railroad. A post office originally known as "Unionville" had been established in 1855, but the name was changed to "Dongola," after Dongola, Sudan. 

There are many areas in southern Illinois with "Egyptian" names, the legends say it's because the rich land along the Mississippi River reminded many of the Nile River delta, and the Native American mounds at Cahokia were reminiscent of the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Other locations in southern Illinois were named in similar fashion, include Karnak, Cairo, and Thebes. The SIU mascot, the Salukis, is a breed of hunting greyhound that date back to 7000 to 6000 bce, and they were considered sacred and royal by the Egyptians.

The strategic location of the IC railroad played a pivotal role in the village’s growth, turning it into a hub for commerce and transportation that persisted into the mid 60's. The construction of Hwy 57 changed village life forever, as trucking and logistics replaced reliance on the railroad. The iconic railroad depot formerly a social hub of daily deliveries and news, was removed by the railroad company in the early 70's. 

Dongola Lake with it's picturesque blue waters surrounded by sloping green hills masses about 58 acres, was created by a small dam along Little Creek. The lake lies to the west of Dongola, and bass and catfish are plentiful and restocked annually. 

Dongola lies within the Cache River Basin, and both Little and Big Creeks wind around and through Dongola and evenually connects to the Cache River, which is an essential waterway for healthy wildlife and recreation. 

Another feature of southern Illinois is the Shawnee National Forest, which mostly covers the lower southern portion of Illinois. Found just down the road a bit from the village is Hickory Bottom Access, a rustic and densely wooded hiking destination.

Village Hall: 136 NE Front St, Dongola, IL 62926 (618) 827-4343

For more information about the Village Hall, Visit Village Staff and Board


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Dongola IL

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